Source: IMDb
See, the Sci-Fi show from Jason Momoa, has ended. We have seen Baba Voss (Jason Momoa) and his family go through some horrendous things for the past three seasons. See takes place in a post-apocalyptic time where sight is rare. There are different tribes of people who are blind, and they rule their territories. See centers around two sisters. Queen Sibeth Kane (Sylvia Hooks) who is a heartless, power-hungry ruler of the Payan Kingdom and feels that the sighted have no place in her kingdom. Her younger sister Maghra Kane (Hera Hilmar) joined the Alkenny Tribe after she married Baba Voss and gave birth to sighted children Kofun (Archie Madekwe) and Haniwa (Nesta Cooper). Their biological father is Jerlamarel who fathered sighted children all over and we met him in seasons 1-2. These sighted offspring’s come into play in Season 3 by Tormada (David Hewlett) to create God Thunder that are equal to bombs.
Source: Apple TV Youtube Channel
In this final season, we find Baba Voss making his way back to his family who is in total chaos. He goes back to warn Maghra, who is queen of Payans, to protect her and his family from these new weapons that Tomada has. Baba comes back to find that Sibeth seduced his son Kofun and now has a son with him. Baba tells Magra of the dangers on the horizon and how she needs to kill her sister or give her to the Trivantians. Magrha consults with Lord Harlan (Tom Mison) who feels that he is able to work out an agreement. Of course, Sibeth slips away and escapes and teams up with the outcast witchfinders who still believe that the sighted are evil and therefore will never follow Queen Maghra.
Baba and Maghra working their way back to each other and getting their family back together, as well as, protecting their country. As the eventual showdown approaches, Honiwah and Wren (Eden Epstein) find secret underground passages to save the people from the God Thunder. As Maghra, Harlan, Honiwah, Kofun and Wren help lead the townspeople out but then Tormada and Sibeth starts bombing the town once they realize the people are not there and are underground. Baba and his friend Ranger (Michael Raymond-James) attack the campsite of Tomada and his soldiers.
Magrha in a heartbreaking goodbye to Sibeth kills her as it should be and as we the audience has been waiting for since Season 1. Baba Voss, the warrior and protector, knows that he and the crew are in trouble and the only way to end it, is to destroy the God Thunder. The last battle was shot beautifully. Baba Voss truly sees for the first time the love of his family and says his goodbyes and remembers the love journey of his and Maghra. It is at this moment that he sacrifices himself on a top of the bombs and end the war. This was truly the best way to end the Baba Voss story. It encapsulates his honor, love, and fierce protection of his family. The end shows that even though Maghra is struggling without him, he would be proud of her rebuilding of her country.
See was a beautiful journey of love. A story about a man who fell in love with a girl that just happened to be an unknown queen and pregnant with sighted children and raised them as his own. We saw the difficulties that families go through. From Season 1 to Season 3 the story of Baba Voss and his family has been intriguing. Jason Momoa was so good in the title role. Beyond his obvious beauty, his talent, and the talent of all the actors shines through. This was a great sci-fi story of a time where unsighted people ruled, and sighted people were outcast. This was a great conclusion to a solid three seasons of storytelling.